activities for self care
Self Care

Activities You Didn’t Know Were Self-Care

When it comes to self-care, some of the activities people often think about first include
bubble baths, reading, relaxing, participating in hobbies, and those sorts of things.
These are all amazing and can really boost your mental health, but don’t forget about
the other activities on this list.

Self-care is more about what you choose to do for yourself, whether alone or with other
people. It should definitely bring more relaxation, but also a sense of happiness and
fulfillment. Here are some activities that can be considered self-care.

Waking Up Early to Improve Your Productivity

Yes, just doing something like waking up early can help with self-care! This is going to
work as self-care for multiple reasons. When you wake up early, you give yourself more
time to dedicate to yourself. Depending on when you wake up, this might mean an hour or
so of alone time in a quiet house. It is the perfect time to focus on your self-care.

But that’s not the only reason. It can also improve your productivity because you have
that extra time to plan your day and really take your time getting started. This alone can
be considered self-care since it is something you are doing intentionally.

Choosing to Add Exercise to Your Routine

It is important that it is exercise you actually want to do, not something you are forcing
yourself to do. This is why it can be a slippery slope when you use exercise as a way to
change your body and try to double that as self-care.

If you truly want your exercise to be self-care, it needs to be something that provides an
additional emotional or mental health benefit, in addition to the physical benefits. Think
about how you feel when you go on a relaxing walk. You know it is good for your
physical health, but more than that, it probably helps you clear your head and take a few
minutes for yourself. This is what exercise can do for you with the right mindset going
into it.

Allowing Yourself to Say No

Sometimes, it is the simple decisions you made that count as self-care. If you are
someone that agrees to everything, saying no can be the best thing for you. Whether
this is saying no to going to lunch with friends at work because you need that time to
yourself, or saying no to something bigger someone has asked of you.

Buying Something You Love

Shopping can also be a form of self-care, though it is one you want to be a little more
careful with. It shouldn’t be excessive spending, where you end up more stressed because
of how much you spent. This should be saved as an occasional form of self-care for
those moments when you know it will help you feel better.

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