ways to express gratitude
Self Care

5 Simple Ways to Express Gratitude

If you want to be a more positive person, sometimes it just takes appreciating the good
that is already in your life. This can be done by expressing gratitude. Here are
some different ways to express gratitude every day.

1. Become an Active Listener
If you want to be more grateful to others and show your gratitude, be an active listener.
This means not just hearing what someone says, but really absorbing what they are
telling you. Don’t use your phone when someone is talking to you. Look them in the
eyes and take in what they are telling you.

This is active listening and shows the other person that you care about what they have to say.

2. Express Gratitude in Your Journal
One way many people like to show gratitude is by writing it down in their journals. This is
something you can do every day, by writing down at least one thing each day you are
grateful for. Some days will repeat, which is okay! On other days, there will be a specific
situation that you appreciate.

It is okay to just be grateful you woke up and have your health, that you have a job, or something as simple as eating one of your favorite things.

3. Always Thank People Who Have Helped You
Remember to tell people when you are grateful for them. Whether they have done
something to help you, given you a compliment, or were just there for you, this is a good
reason to show your appreciation. A simple thank you is enough, but when someone
goes above and beyond, really tell them how much you appreciate them and that you
are very thankful to have them in your life.

This little gesture means so much to the person receiving the gratitude.

4. Create a Gratitude Jar
If you don’t want to write down all the reasons you are grateful in your journal, try
creating a gratitude jar. You can use small pieces of paper to write down one thing you
are grateful for each day, fold it up, and put it in the jar. This is a fun activity you can do
with your family as well, helping everyone to be more grateful. It is also a great gift for
others, where you can personalize an empty jar for them and give them paper and pens
to use for the gratitude jar.

5. Volunteer to Help Others
You can also express your gratitude through your actions. You don’t always have to be
vocal about how much you appreciate someone else and how they have improved your
life, but instead, show them how you help them. Volunteer to help them with a
big project, show up when they are going through a rough time, and invite them to
spend time with you.

When you go out of your way to be there for other people, they can feel your gratitude.

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