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Self Care

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

We’ve heard a lot about getting out of our comfort zone, yet we rarely question why. It’s a place of safety and control where we can anticipate what will happen and how we will feel. However, leaving it is essential for our personal growth and happiness.

Here are 3 ways staying in your comfort zone is keeping you from reaching your full potential:

It’s stopping you from progressing personally.
When you are afraid of something, staying in your comfort zone prevents you from confronting that fear. This keeps you from taking on situations that would allow you to overcome them. For example, a fear of public speaking may stop you from taking a job that requires you to speak in front of others, even though it’s a step up on your career ladder.

It’s stopping you from being happy.
Issues with self-confidence and self-esteem can persist unless you step out of the zone and address them. Doing this helps you to build trust in yourself and view yourself in a better light. A lack of confidence can cause you to stay in your comfort zone instead of trying something new, which can lower your self-esteem and make you unhappy.

Staying in your comfort zone can prevent you from living a healthy life.
It can stop us from doing good things out of fear. For example, wanting to run a marathon and being too scared to begin training can lead to unhealthy eating, gaining weight, and putting your dream on the back burner until your health is jeopardized.

Overall, remaining in our comfort zone can prevent us from having a fulfilled life, growing in our careers, and being happy. We end up letting our fears control us and settling for mediocrity.

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